You soon find when you're treating people with complementary therapies like
CranioSacral Therapy or energy work that no part of the body really operates on
its own. Digestive system, nervous system, heart and lungs, everything operates
as part of a whole. The same with the different aspects of the energy body, chakras,
meridians, channels, aura, a disturbance in one area will show up in all the
others. And you surely can't separate your own persona
l health from the health of the Earth, the water you
drink, air you breath and the food you eat, which is why Ruth and I are putting
so much of our energy into the health of the gardens and orchard here on the
farm, thinking globally and acting locally, learning to live simpler more
Earth-friendly lives. To me, ecology, permaculture, forest gardening are all
aspects of healing.
Then remote healing groups like our Thursday Group show just how
enfolded we can all be if we allow it. I feel the group's energies around me
just as if we were occupying the same space, enfolded with the life force
energies of the Earth and the universe.
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