Sunday, 19 February 2017


Salmon Leaping - photo by Phillip Colla
The focus for this week's Thursday Group session is Clearing. All are welcome to join in through the Facebook page or the event itself. I'm going to focus on clearing through the past, present and future - going back in time to our first entrance on the world stage as a few cells and sweeping through our entire life-learning, tragi-comic performance, clearing as we go all the unhelpful residues from the crazy toxic fog in which we've existed from even before we're born, learning the lessons we need to learn as we go.

Some of it's obvious, the physical attacks, accidents, illnesses and some of it's more or less well hidden, pesticides in our food, microwave radiation. Sometimes it's general, like the current crazy wave of intolerance, and other times it's personal, like those behind-your-back personal attacks people make.
So during the session let's sweep through our whole lives clearing out any residues of unhelpful beliefs etc we've been left with and connecting with our own personal blueprint to help repair any damage to body systems.
I've come across an amazing array of ways that people have of protecting themselves from unhelpful energies and attacks. My own suggestion is not even to think of protection but to connect with the part of us that I believe is invulnerable, our immortal soul. If you think about it, was that core inner of you, your identity, ever damaged by an attack? And let's also connect with the helpful influences we've been lucky enough to have in our lives, the family members who've helped us, the true friends, strangers' random acts of kindness and ultimately the universal flow of the life force that's supporting us all the time.
Ruth and I were watching a TV programme about Scottish wildlife. I've often wondered why salmon give themselves such a hard time leaping up waterfalls in a river to spawn, travelling across oceans to get there, but the struggle means that the salmon race is continually honing its navigation skills and keeping itself strong, fit and agile...
If you've not joined in with sessions before, here's how to:

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