Sunday, 21 August 2016

Ten Years After...

It's coming up for ten years since my first post on my original ian's eco blog, though I'd been concerned about environmental issues and followed them since the 1970's I hadn't actually done an awful lot in a practical way. Reports of the sudden loss of ice in Arctic made me suddenly realise that many of the predictions were coming true, and a lot quicker than had been anticipated. So what could anyone do? What was sustainable living exactly? Was anyone doing it?
And here we are, ten years later, with a report in the Guardian today, "Next year or the year after the Arctic will be free of ice."

Looking for the answers to those sorts of questions has led me on a fascinating and fun journey, also challenging at times, through Portugal and the UK, meeting people and working on lots of different projects. Back then, I was living in a terraced house on the busy seafront road that runs from Brighton westwards along the coast. Now I'm living in a timber clad caravan, "the LogCabavan", in an orchard on a hill farm, with another move, back to Scotland, just around the corner...