Monday, 29 July 2013

Acting as one...

I loved this, now let's do it with our environment: "a train north of Tokyo was pushed to the side by a crowd of people after a woman fell under it. What the sources don´t mention is that for such things to happen, people have to notice the situation and react to it. When people react to the situation they make others aware of it, and inspire them to do the same."
Japanese train source:

Saturday, 27 July 2013

The Way of the Woods

The forest is truly sustainable, it runs on sunlight and water, there's no waste, everything is endlessly recycled into more and more complex systems, it's resilient, drought, pest, disease and flood resistant, everything supports and benefits from everything else, there's communication through an underground network and it's anarchic... Why shouldn’t it be a model for any sustainable system and what if we think of ourselves and our settlements as part of a forest?
There's similarities in natural therapies like CranioSacral Therapy, low-impact building and growing food in a sustainable way, you can see it all in the forest, the way of the woods.